Thomas Koyatt

Dear friends
During 1913 at San Francisco in U.S two Indian expatriates namely Lala Hardayal and Sohan Singh Bhakna founded Ghadar Party, the first revolutionary party by expatriates to fight for India’s liberation from British yoke. Most of us may not know that the first freedom movement to liberate India from British hegemony was not founded in India, but in a foreign country by expatriate Indians. They gathered weapons and soon grew into a strong revolutionary outfit. During the course of their agitations great revolutionaries like young Kartar Singh Sarabha became martyrs. Their slogan was “Put at stake everything for the freedom of the country.” During the freedom struggle and to build a new India after India’s independence, the Indian expatriates had a lead role
and they continue to take such constructive lead role even now.
But what did our country give back to the multitude of expatriates who sacrificed their life at the altar of love towards their motherland? Against those who turn a blind eye to our primary needs, we expatriates should unite to raise our voice. Raise our voice against the disregard and contemptuous attitude of powers that be. All fellow Indian expatriates, unite and join our hands to fight for redressal of our genuine grievances.
Jai Hind

Dear friends,

Our journey as travelers is to seek, repay debts, and support families who await our return. It is those who brave the sea’s waves, collecting pearls to bring home, who have arrived here today. We have stood strong through revolutions, fought for our nation’s independence, and weathered storms – in youth, during disasters, and in times of crisis – we have been our nation’s protectors.

It is the travelers who have embraced life to survive. Yet, can today’s leaders respond effectively to the myriad needs of travelers? Do they have the organized and powerful responses of Indian diaspora, born out of necessity and strengthened by unity, to lead and provide solutions? The days ahead must set the target for such a solution to emerge!